Category Archives: Daily Liturgy

Daily Liturgy

Thursday February 10, 2022

    Thursday of 5th Week in Ordinary Time SCHOLASTICA, Virgin, Religious             Introduction Not much is known about St Scholastica, the sister of the great St. Benedict, in whose shadow she lived. Dedicating her virginity to God, she first lived a life of prayer at home, then stayed near her brother at Subiaco, then […]

Saturday February 5, 2022

    Saturday of 4th Week in Ordinary Time  AGATHA, VIRGIN and MARTYR   Introduction St. Agatha, “the good one,” patroness of Sicily, refused marriage to dedicate herself to her fellow Christians by doing diaconal work at a time of persecution, especially care of the sick and of the poor. She was denounced and tortured […]

Friday February 4, 2022        

    Friday of 4th Week in Ordinary Time Two Great Persons                 Introduction After we have heard in recent days the story of King David, Jesus Ben Sirach reinterprets for his time the personality of David: a valiant king whose power comes from God, a singer of psalms and an organizer of the liturgy, […]

Thursday February 3, 2022

Thursday of 4th Week in Ordinary Time Poor and Free for the Gospel   Introduction The core of today’s first reading is an interpolation by a later biblical author on fidelity: the king embodies the people and faithfulness to the covenant. This is presented as David’s testament given on his deathbed to his successor, his […]

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