Category Archives: Daily Liturgy

Daily Liturgy

Saturday December 11

SECOND WEEK OF ADVENT Prophets of Fire                              Introduction          In the Old Testament, the prophet Elijah is the “prophet of fire,” a fiery, zealous personality who makes fire come down on the enemies of God. He wanted to prepare the hearts of the people to accept God.          In the New Testament, […]

Friday December 10

SECOND WEEK OF ADVENT Don’t Be Childish                                                Introduction “If you had only paid attention to what I have said,” complains the Lord through the prophet, for God wants our own good. Jesus complains that there are people who behave in a childish way when John the Baptist preaches repentance in preparation for the coming […]

Tuesday December 7

SECOND WEEK OF ADVENT God, the Shepherd                                            Introduction          The author of Second Isaiah has a beautiful message of joy and hope. God will end the exile of his people and bring them back to him. Their sins are forgiven. He will live among them as their shepherd.          God became visible […]

Saturday December 4  

FIRST WEEK OF ADVENT A Compassionate God                                  Introduction          God is compassionate. He cannot let his people suffer. This compassion of God has become visible in the person of Christ.          The Old Testament text, perhaps an elaboration on Isaiah’s thoughts by a later author, promises restoration to God’s people after their […]

Friday December 3

FIRST WEEK OF ADVENT The Blind Will See                                      Introduction          In this season of hope, Advent, the word of God gives us a vision of hope. The mighty who rely on their own political power and alliances will be crushed, but the poor, the deaf, the blind, that is, those who still believe in […]

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