Category Archives: Daily Liturgy

Daily Liturgy

Monday November 22

THIRTY-FOURTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME   GENEROSITY OF THE POOR                                                                         Introduction       To strengthen the faith of the persecuted Jews at the time of the Maccabees, the author of the Book of Daniel tells the edifying story of four young Jews who take the risk of remaining loyal to God’s law even at the […]

Saturday November 20

Thirty-Third Week In Ordinary Time THE GOD OF THE LIVING                                                                    Introduction       We are told in the first reading about the end of King Antiochus IV. After he had failed to rob the temple of Artemis in Mesopotamia and heard about the restoration of Jerusalem and its Temple, he died in discouragement.        “God is […]

Friday November 19

Thirty-Third Week In Ordinary Time CLEANSING THE TEMPLE                                                             Introduction       After his first military victories over the Syrians, Judas Maccabeus wanted to restore legitimate worship. He had the desecrated Temple cleansed and consecrated anew, rebuilt the altar, and offered the sacrifice in accordance with the Law.       Jesus drove out the merchants from the Temple […]

Thursday November 18

Thirty-Third Week In Ordinary Time  WEEP WITH ME, MY PEOPLE                                                                Introduction       The priest and leader Matthatias turns down the honors and power promised him if he renounces his faith and offers sacrifice in honor of King Antiochus IV Epiphanes of Syria. He starts the open revolt of the Jewish people, a revolt […]

Wednesday November 17

Thirty-Third Weel In Ordinary Time  INVESTING THE GIFTS OF FAITH                                                           Introduction       We hear the inspiring story of the mother and her seven sons who with great courage preferred to die for their faith rather than to sin against the Law.       Faith, the Gospel and the life of Christ are rich gifts which […]

Tuesday November 16

Thirty-Third Week In Ordinary Time I MUST STAY IN YOUR HOUSE                                                            Introduction       The first book of the Maccabees is historical and gives us the story of the struggle of the faithful Jews to preserve their religion and culture. The second book of the Maccabees is a more edifying book that gives us inspiring examples […]

Monday November 15

Thirty-Third Week In Ordinary Time  JESUS, LIGHT OF OUR EYES                                                   Introduction       This week the first reading in Year I will be taken from the two canonical books of the Maccabees. These tell the story of the epic fight of the Jews against the Syrian empire. The Syrian king wanted to unify […]

Saturday November 13

THIRTIETH-SECOND WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME  INSISTENT PRAYER                                     Introduction       Their salvation through the Red Sea and their journey through the desert were like a new creation for the Hebrew people. God protected them and led them to freedom. This reminds us how our passing through the saving waters of baptism has recreated us as the […]

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