Category Archives: Daily Liturgy

Daily Liturgy

Saturday 24 July

SIXTEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME   THE COVENANT – BLOOD RELATIONS OF GOD   Introduction      Today’s first reading describes the rite of the covenant, by which Israel became God’s chosen people with whom God made a blood compact, a sangduguan, whereby they became his blood relations. “I am the Lord your God” (in the singular, […]

Tuesday 20 July

SIXTEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME   PASSING THROUGH WATERS    Introduction       In epic style and with a superabundance of poetic detail, the authors of Exodus write down, centuries after the events themselves, the realization that God himself had saved his people. The waters of the Sea of Reeds engulfed slavery and marked the beginning of […]

Friday 16 July

FIFTEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME   THE SABBATH IS FOR PEOPLE   Introduction       When God brought punishing plagues on the Egyptians for oppressing his people, he saved the Hebrew families, which had eaten the paschal lamb and smeared its blood on the door posts. Christ communicates his salvation to us in the eucharist, the new […]

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