Category Archives: Daily Liturgy

Daily Liturgy

Thursday April 29 

Fourth Week OF Easter  SERVANTS WITH CHRIST                                                    Introduction  In his preaching, Paul presents Christ as the one who is coming which the whole Old Testament was leading to, and John the Baptist as the immediate announcer of Jesus’ appearance of that fulfillment.Jesus had told his disciples quite insistently and emphatically that neither power […]

Tuesday April 27 

Fourth Week OF Easter  A NEW MISSIONARY APPROACH                                                    Introduction  The Christians of Antioch, the first to be called “Christians” as disciples of Christ, were of two kinds: those Greek-speaking of Jewish origin, who had fled to Antioch from the persecuted Church in Jerusalem. They communicated their faith to their fellow Jews, but they […]

Monday April 26 

Fourth Week OF Easter         OPEN CHURCH: ALL ARE CALLED                                                 Introduction   “I have come that they may have life – life in abundance,” says Jesus, the Good Shepherd. He is the door to all. In the first reading, Peter defends his action of baptizing the pagan Cornelius on the same grounds: also […]

Friday April 23

Third Week OF Easter   CHRIST LIVES IN ME                          Introduction  “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” This is the question of Jesus the Lord when he lets Saul, the persecutor, encounter him on the way to Damascus. Jesus identifies himself with his persecuted disciples. From that moment on, Saul will serve the Lord, […]

Thursday April 22

Third Week OF Easter   ENCOUNTERING CHRIST IN WORD AND SACRAMENT Introduction  Luke presents the conversion of the treasurer of the queen of Ethiopia very much in parallel with that of the disciples of Emmaus. The latter had listened to Christ’s explanation of the Scriptures about himself, and then recognized and really encountered the living, […]

Wednesday April 21

 Third Week OF Easter  PERSECUTION, BREAD OF LIFE  Introduction                  The fervor of the young Church is so contagious, that even in persecution Christians use the occasion of the persecution itself to preach the risen Christ. Indeed, God does not abandon the Church, even in moments of trial. The reading from Acts says that there […]

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