Category Archives: Daily Liturgy

Daily Liturgy

Friday April 9 

Easter Friday, THERE IS NO OTHER NAME BY WHICH WE ARE SAVED                                                                                         Introduction All evangelists underline the disciples’ difficulty of recognizing the Risen Lord. First, they do not realize that he is there, and that he is just like a stranger; then, usually as a consequence of a word or action, it dawns […]

Thursday April 8

Easter Thursday, WITNESSES TO THE RISEN LORD                                      Introduction We gather for our Eucharist because we firmly believe that Christ died for us and he is risen from the dead. We gather around the risen Lord to open our hearts and minds to his word and to let him fill us with his living presence. […]

Tuesday April 6 

Easter Tuesday, RECOGNIZING THE RISEN LORD                                                       Introduction It is not always easy to recognize the risen Lord. This was the experience of Mary Magdalene. We too, are asked, “Whom are you seeking?” Are we really seeking the Lord Jesus? Do we recognize him not only in our prayers and during the reception […]

Monday April 5 

Easter Monday, WE ARE EASTER WITNESSES                                             Introduction Peter had refused to say that he knew Jesus. Now, he cannot stop proclaiming that Jesus is risen. Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of James, rush to tell the apostles that Jesus is risen. The readings of today are all about witnessing to the resurrection. Peter […]

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