Category Archives: Daily Liturgy

Daily Liturgy

Monday March 7, 2022         

Monday of 1st Week in Lent STS. PERPETUA AND FELICITY, Martyrs              Introduction Today we celebrate two women martyrs from Carthage, North Africa. Perpetua was a noblewoman, Felicity a slave girl. Both were arrested in a raid on Christians. Each had recently given birth and the Roman authorities tried to use their first newborn […]

Saturday March 5, 2022

Saturday AFTER ASH WEDNESDAY Re-creating Encounter              Introduction Jesus came to call sinners. It is they that need him, not so much the just, the righteous. It is the sinners who need healing. We are among them, and so we need healing. The Pharisees considered themselves just, but there was little mercy in them; their […]

Friday March 4, 2022

Friday AFTER ASH WEDNESDAY  Why Fast?                         Introduction People in the Old Testament ask: What is the use of fasting? God seems not to be near when they fast. The prophet tells them because real fasting consists in justice and love. Since God has made a covenant with his people, that covenant comprises also justice […]

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