Category Archives: Blogs

14. Pastoral Letters

LET’S KNOW THE BIBLE In the collection of St. Paul’s letters, after the writings were sent to the community, there are letters sent to specific persons; besides the letter to Philemon, which we have already considered, together with Colossians, there are three letters at the end of the collection sent to Paul’s disciples, two to […]

Letters to the Thessalonians

LET’S KNOW THE BIBLE   The letters to the Thessalonians are gathered near the end of the Pauline collection, but they are the first letters written by the apostle Paul. The first letter to the Thessalonians is not only Paul’s first work, but also the earliest New Testament writing we possess. It is, therefore, a […]

Letter to the Galatians

LET’S KNOW THE BIBLE   At the same time that the apostle Paul was writing to the Philippians, he also wrote the splendid letter to the Galatians. Paul was in Ephesus, between the years 56 and 57, in a rather turbulent period of his life, and he received news about improper behavior of Christians living […]

Letter to the Philippians

LET’S KNOW THE BIBLE In Paul’s series of letters, called Captivity Letters, there is also the letter to the Philippians. However, modern scholars believe that this letter is not linked to Paul’s captivity in Rome, between 61 and 63 but is an older letter. Paul would have written to the Christian community in Philippi during […]

Second Letter to the Corinthians – Part I

In the first letter that Paul sent to the Corinthian Christians, many of the positions held by some people in Corinth, Paul questioned certain behaviors and theological doctrines, proposed corrections indicated the necessary changes to be made in the life of the community and also criticized well-known people in the community. We must imagine, therefore, […]

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