Category Archives: Blogs

3. Healing of the Paralytic

Acts of the Apostles On the day of Pentecost, the Spirit breaks into the house where the apostles and the Christian community were, the doors open, and the Church goes out to begin the mission of proclamation. Peter gave the first solemn speech that Luke reworked and proposed in chapter 2 of the Acts of […]

The Path of the Word of God

The Acts of the Apostles – 1 .”In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach until the day he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen.” Thus begins the book of the Acts of the […]

The Prologue

  The Prologue of the fourth Gospel is a splendid symphony with which John introduces the story of the Lord Jesus, Savior of the world, revealer of the Father. The Prologue is a characteristic element of the fourth Gospel. In the Gospel of Luke, we have some verses that he presents as the method that […]


  The evening of the first day of the week, on the same day of the resurrection, the risen Lord presents himself among the apostles. The evangelist John with special attention shows this presence of the Risen Lord among his own. A gesture of breathing characterizes it. The risen Christ breathes upon his disciples, imparting […]

Encountering the Risen Lord

  “Now in the place where he had been crucified there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb, in which no one had yet been buried.” The narration of the passion, according to John, ends in a garden as it began in a garden where Jesus was handed over. Joseph of Arimathea, […]

Five Portraits of the Passion

  The Evangelist John, in his writing, dedicates special attention to the passion narrative. We must not even call it by that name because John does not emphasize the aspect of the passion as much as the glory. The hour has come; it is the moment when the Father glorifies the Son, and therefore the […]

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