Category Archives: Blogs

The Glory of the Cross

The passion narratives in the Gospel of John have a different setting from that of Synoptics. Substantially they narrate the same fact, but then how the fourth Gospel describes the death of Jesus is different. From his symbolic perspective, John wants to focus (give weight) on those events and writes about the glory of Jesus. […]

Last Supper Discourse

  Before the feast of Passover, Jesus knowing that his time had come to pass from this world to his Father, having loved those who were his own in the world he loved them to the end.” In chapter 13, the narration of evangelist John arrives at the ‘hour,’ the long-awaited moment. The moment of […]

The Eucharistic Discourse

Chapter 6 of the gospel according to John, brings us back to Galilee. The evangelist recounted an important moment of Jesus’ visit to Jerusalem on the occasion of a feast in which he healed a paralytic man. It is a meaningful sign that he makes to show his ability to make the person capable of […]

The Samaritan Woman

  At the beginning of the Gospel according to John, the section of the signs shows a passage from the institutions of the Old Testament to the novelty brought by Jesus. There is a part, from chapter 2 to chapter 4, characterized by two signs, and both are set in Cana of Galilee. Between the […]

From Cana to Cana

LET’S KNOW THE BIBLE In Cana of Galilee Jesus performed the archetype of the signs. We have seen how the narration of that episode is symbolic, that is, significant in communicating an important message. Jesus brings to fulfillment the covenant. Now, in the first part of the Gospel according to John, the one usually called […]

The Wedding at Cana

3. The Wedding at Cana The fourth Gospel is presented as the testimony of the beloved disciple. We know him as John and we know that it is a text born after 70 years of meditation. Therefore, the author had time and means to develop well a text, perhaps in several editions. He was able […]

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