Category Archives: Daily Gospels

All English related daily gospels

Coffee With God

Reflection: John 21:1-19 What is the mission entrusted to Christ’s disciples and how do they carry it out in their everyday life situations? Today’s passage answers these questions through an episode full of symbolism. It speaks of seven disciples on a boat go fishing. Number seven indicates perfection and completeness. Peter and the other six […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: John 6:16-21 Today’s gospel begins from where we stopped yesterday. It was the scene of Jesus feeding 5000 in the desert. John the evangelists uses the miracle scene to present Jesus as the new Moses, who leads his people to the new promised land of the Kingdom of God. John’s use of imageries continues […]

Coffee With God

  Reflection: John 6:1-15 John was not writing a chronicle of events that happened in the life of Jesus. Today’s passage begins by saying “Jesus went across the sea of Galilee. And a large crowd followed him.” There is no mention of any boat here. How would a large crowd go across the sea? That’s […]

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