Category Archives: Daily Gospels

All English related daily gospels

Coffee With God

Reflection: John 8: 31-42 Faith is not genuine until it touches our attitudes and, above all, our concrete choices. To “remain” in the Word of Christ means to conform our lives to his life and his virtues. Christ seems to imply that there are true and false disciples. There is only one way to tell […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: John 8: 21-30 The rebellion of Israel in the desert is a constant theme that the Church takes up for the liturgical reflections. Israelites in the desert heading for the promised land – that is, the entire story of the Exodus – has so much in common with the life of the Church in […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: John 8: 12-20 The Pharisees are, as always, trying to place Jesus on the dock “on trial.” More arrogant religious leaders come in to probe Jesus and his teachings that challenge their traditions and religious practices. The first reading from the book of Daniel also spoke about an unjust trial in the story of […]

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