Category Archives: Daily Gospels

All English related daily gospels

Coffee With God

Reflection: Matthew 5:43-48 The phrase “Racial profiling” has become part of our modern vocabulary. It signifies suspicion regarding people of a particular ethnic or racial background solely on the basis of their appearance. It was indeed a problem in the past and it continues to be the curse of the present society. Discrimination on the […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Matthew 5:20-26 Today’s gospel gives us some practical guidelines on the path of fraternal love. This fraternal love and relationship with a brother/sister cannot be separated from our relationship with God. As far as the Scribes and Pharisees were concerned, the only way to relate with God consisted in the most scrupulous observance of […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Matthew 7:7-12 In the Gospel today, Jesus promises a result, provided we ask, seek and knock. “Ask and it will be given to you. Is that a little too much to believe? Because, it is also our experience that some of our prayers go unanswered. How earnestly have we been praying these days that […]

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