Category Archives: Daily Gospels

All English related daily gospels

Coffee With God

Reflection: Matthew 6:1-6 Today we enter the gracious season of Lent. The Word of God calls us to be intimately united with the Lord. This intimacy with the Lord should manifest an abundance of charity! And so, we hear: pray in private; give alms in secret; and fast with brightly anointed head. The Church encouragers […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Mark 10: 28-31 Jesus was addressing the disciples to get away from the dangers of being possessed by the devil of wealth and riches. People are frightened of being possessed by the devil. Material riches is one of those ways how the devil can possess the humans. Thus, yesterday we reflected on the words […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Mark 10: 17-27 Mark says the man who approached Jesus was rich and Mathew presented him as young. So we have combined both adjectives to describe him as young and rich. Mark narrates the way he approaches Jesus: He comes running and kneels before Jesus. The Gospel had presented two other characters, who also […]

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