Category Archives: Daily Gospels

All English related daily gospels

Coffee With God

Reflection: Mk 3:1-6 Of all of the sins that plague us, pride may be one of the most common and among the worst. It is so easy – almost reflexive – to lash out against people whom we dislike, without considering the concerns of the other person. It’s hard for us to admit that perhaps […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Mark 2:23-28 Starting today till 25 of this month, all the Christian denominations around the world observe the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Let us join the universal Church that we may grow in to one family of God, sharing our faith in the One Lord Jesus. Sibling rivalry happens all the time […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Mark 2:18-22 For the Jewish religion, fasting was one of the three most important religious duties, along with prayer and almsgiving. In today’s gospel, the disciples of John the Baptist and the Pharisees have a problem: Jesus does not endorse the practice of fasting. Jesus has a simple explanation. There’s a time for fasting […]

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