Category Archives: Daily Gospels

All English related daily gospels

Coffee With God

Reflection: John 20:2-8 Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. John the Evangelist, Jesus’ beloved disciple. Immediately after Christmas, liturgically the feast of St. John leads us closer to the crib of Jesus he teaches us lessons that help us enter deeply into the mystery of the Incarnation and the birth of the Son […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: John 1:1-18 Wish you all joys and blessings of Christmas. Wish you good health, lots of happiness and God’s blessings in abundance in this Christmas! Christmas is actually a celebration that reminds us of the fact that Christ has been born, Christ lives, and Christ is present now in our lives. Through the lives […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 1:67-79 “ And immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue loosed and he spoke, blessing God.”… “The Benedictus, or “Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel…” is prayed every morning in the Breviary, the Church’s morning prayer and so, the Church remembers this “forerunner of Jesus” at the beginning of every […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 1:57-66 God will not rest until he fulfils every one of his promises. Zachariah’s unusual encounter with God was an answer to his prayers to God for years. John’s birth was a sign of mercy that God showed to his people as Zachariah and Elizabeth experienced the extraordinary intervention of God. In the […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 1:46-56 “The Almighty has done great things for me,” sang the Blessed Mother during her visitation to Elizabeth. People who have placed their trust in God, especially those who have no one else in the world to lean on, have often identified with this song of this poor, young, unmarried pregnant woman! Mary […]

Coffee With God

  Reflection: Luke 1:39-45 After the annunciation to Mary by Angel Gabriel, she takes up a commitment to visit her cousin Elizabeth, who is already six-months pregnant. Gospel says Mary remained with her for about three months before returning home – perhaps until the birth of John the Baptist. The visit of the Angel of […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 1:39-45 The liturgy of this Fourth Sunday of Advent focuses on the figure of Mary, the Virgin Mother, expecting the birth of Jesus, the Saviour of the world. What were her thoughts in these months while she was expecting? The answer comes precisely from today’s Gospel passage, the narrative of Mary’s visit to […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Matthew 1:18-25 In today’s Gospel, the theme of God’s closeness to humanity is the focal point. It shows us the two people who, more than anyone else, were involved in this mystery of love: the Virgin Mary and her husband, Joseph. the Gospel (cf. Mt 1:18-24) guides us to Christmas through the experience of […]

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