Category Archives: Daily Gospels

All English related daily gospels

Coffee With God

Reflection: Matthew 15:29-37 The crisis we are living due to the pandemic has been affecting everyone; we will emerge from it for the better if we all seek the common good together. Concern for our neighbours and a generosity of heart has indeed saved thousands of lives from death. International agencies had predicted more people […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Matthew 4: 18-22 Today is the feast of St. Andrew, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus. We often think of the 12 apostles as pillars. They were leaders and teachers in the community. They were heroic martyrs. Today, the successors of the apostles are the bishops in our church, and we believe they […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Matthew 8: 5-11 To the Jewish mind, Gentiles were untouchables. They were waiting for the coming of the Messiah and the Messiah of their understanding was a powerful King like David, who would establish a Jewish kingdom. Hence, they waited for an exclusive Messiah. Matthew, writing for the Jewish community intends to rectify this […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 21: 25-28, 34-36 One who is in love knows that the person loved always comes back in thoughts, dreams, fantasies, and conversations. To believe in Christ means to fall in love with him. He does not abandon us. In the year “C,” evangelist Luke highlights Jesus’ tenderness toward the least, the marginalized, the […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 21: 34-36 Pope Francis suggests to develop these two attitudes to live the time between now and Christmas. To be mindful and to pray. Have you ever experienced lack of direction and restlessness in life? It could be the result of our self-centeredness lack of concern for others. We are so focussed on […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 21:29-33 The Gospel continues with the theme of the end of things: the end of the world and our own end. Jesus uses the common-man’s language to teach his disciples about the Kingdom of God. All his listeners know very well how does a fig tree changes according to the change of Seasons. […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 21:20-28 At first glance, the words of Jesus would seem contradictory. Chapter 21 of Luke begins by narrating the destruction of the Jerusalem temple and the persecution of the people. But the Lord would comfort his disciples and encourages them not to be afraid, but remain faithful to God. He promises them that […]

Coffee With God

Reflection Luke 21: 12-19 The Gospel passage for our reflection today is a continuation of yesterday’s readings – about the end-things. Jesus predicted the destruction of Jerusalem and there by an end to a religiosity that was cantered on the Jerusalem temple. Catastrophes, wars, famines, riots and persecutions (vv. 9-12) are bound to happen. Think […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 21:5-11 Social unrest, financial insecurities are religious intolerances are few of the causes that disturbs peaceful coexistence in our society today. We are in the final week of the liturgical calendar and the Church wants us to reflect on the end of days and the end of the world. By the time that […]

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