Category Archives: Daily Gospels

All English related daily gospels

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 21:1-4 We are once again given the story of the offering of the poor widow for our reflection. A couple of weeks ago, we have reflected on it in detail during a Sunday liturgy. The beautiful explanation by Fr. Armellini helped us to reflect on the corrupt practices and traditions of the temple […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: John 18:33-37 The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, is the crown of the liturgical year. Jesus began his public life proclaiming that “the kingdom of God has come”, “the kingdom of God is here.” The expression “the kingdom of God” and “the kingdom of heaven” appears 104 times in […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 20:27-40 Today’s Gospel passage offers us a teaching on the resurrection of the dead. In this month of November, we pray especially for the dead. Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection and therefore their attempt is to provoke Jesus with a deceptive question. A woman, who has had seven successive husbands, would […]

Coffee With God

  Reflection: Luke 19: 45-48 The temple of Jerusalem made of stones expressed the religious structure of Israel. In the minds of people, generally the Temple was the focal point and physical embodiment of their whole religious and cultural system. To attack the Temple was to do violence against Israel and to attack God. By […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 19: 41-44 The Evangelist Luke was writing the Gospel ten or more years after the actual destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman armies in the year 70. In Jesus’ mind the destruction was not any direct punishment from God. It was simply the outcome of their unwillingness to respond to Jesus’ message of […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 19: 11-28 Jesus and his disciples are nearing Jerusalem. The disciples had a feeling that the reign of God was about to appear. As the beginning of the Acts of Apostles reveals, they “were hoping” that Jesus was about to restore the political kingdom of Israel. But the Kingdom of Jesus was not […]

Coffee With God

Reflection : Luke 19: 1-10 “Publicans and prostitutes will overtake you in the Kingdom of Heaven” (Mt 21:31). Did Jesus say this as a warning to the so called righteous of the community? Perhaps, we who are Christians and who boast of our rich traditions and faith, have something to learn from the story of […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 18:35-43 The healing story of the blind is situated in Jericho. Remember, Jesus is on his final days of the journey towards Jerusalem, where he will make his sacrifice. Jericho is situated on the main pilgrim route from Galilee to Jerusalem. Most pilgrims chose this route in order to bypass Samaria. Luke wants […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Mark 13:24-32 We are almost at the end of the liturgical year. When Mark writes this page of his Gospel, the Roman empire was ravaged by wars, plagues, calamities, and famines. The Christian communities were affected by the persecution and killings. Faced with such struggles Some fanatics began to spread rumours of an imminent […]

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