Category Archives: Daily Gospels

All English related daily gospels

Coffee With God

Reflection John 14:1-6 Today we remember our dear deceased. We thank the Lord for the gift of all our dear ones who have gone ahead of us. For many people, the month of November, and not just today, is a time dedicated to the commemoration of all the faithful departed. We pray for them, for […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Matthew 5: 1-12 Today is the feast of all saints. In medieval England, the feast was known as All Hallows’ Day, and this is why its eve is still known as Halloween. Who are these saints? Who are we celebrating today? Do saints refer to those who while living on this earth, lived a […]

Coffee With God

Reflection Mark 12:28-34 Today’s text presents Jesus in the temple where, he was asked by a scribe a theological question: “What is the most important commandment?” The scribes had discovered 613 commandments of the Law and the question was: Of these 613, which one is the most important? Many teachers maintained that the most important […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke14:1,7-11 In Israel lunch on a Sabbath used to be an occasion for relatives and friends to meet and have a time of socialisation. After the time of liturgy in the synagogue, family and friends would move to a house and have their time of chat and meal together. Today’s passage is to be […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 14: 1-6 Today’s gospel presents another confrontation between Jesus and some religious leaders on a sabbath. Luke recorded five sabbath healings of Jesus in his gospel. Jesus is invited to have a meal in a Pharisee’s house on a sabbath day. The word ‘Pharisee’ means ‘separated one’. They taught in synagogues, and were […]

Coffee With God

  Reflection: Luke 6: 12-19 Today’s feast honours saints Simon and Jude, Apostles. While the New Testament reveals almost no other information about either of them, tradition holds that these Apostles travelled together, possibly to Egypt and then to Persia where they preached the Gospel. St. Jude is venerated as the patron saint of desperate […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 13: 22-30 Luke continued to use the image of journey to Jerusalem for his reflection on the spiritual journey of the disciple of Jesus. Here he presents a question and brings out a deeper teaching from Jesus. “Are there only a few who are saved?” It reflected the widespread notion of predestination of […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 13: 18-21 One of my font memories of growing up with parents and three elder brothers in a small village in India is about gardening. The elder brothers would bring plants to our garden from the neighbourhood, but the younger ones used to be so inquisitive to see if the plants were growing […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Luke 13: 10-17 Today’s passage is an illustration of the unwillingness of the religious leadership to bear fruit. According to the Gospel of Luke, Jesus began his public ministry with the proclamation of his manifesto in the synagogue in Nazareth. Here Jesus is seen fulfilling his professed mission: to set free the oppressed [4:18]. […]

Coffee With God

Reflection: Mark 16:15-20 We cannot but speak about what we have seen and heard (Acts 4:20). This is the theme Pope Francis has chosen for this year’s World Mission Sunday. Our experience of Christ and his love and mercy fails to have any meaning until we choose to share it with others. “Once we experience […]

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