Category Archives: Daily Readings

Friday February 18, 2022

Friday of 6th Week in Ordinary Time   Faith Demands Deeds           Today, we have in the first reading one of the most important passages of James: faith demands commitment – or, as Jesus will say in the Gospel, consistent discipleship. “Faith without works is a dead faith,” a mere belief in theoretical tenets. Sometimes, James […]

Monday February 14, 2022

 Monday of 6th Week in Ordinary Time   STS. CYRIL, Monk & METHODIUS,  Bishop, Missionaries     The liturgy celebrates today two great missionaries from the Eastern Church, the monk Cyril and his brother, Methodius, bishop. Born in Thessalonica in Greece, they evangelized the Bulgarians, Moravians and Bohemians in the 9th Century. They created the Slavonic (Slavic) […]

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