Category Archives: Daily Readings

Saturday January 29

Saturday of 3rd Week of Ordinary Time   Why Are You Afraid? One of the most poignant, dramatic pages of the Old Testament is read to us today. David, the faithful servant of God, has committed adultery and murder. The prophet arouses the king’s indignation against those committing injustice and then tells David: That is […]

Friday January 28

Friday of 3rd Week of Ordinary Time   THOMAS AQUINAS, Church doctor We  today St. Thomas Aquinas, who was one of the greatest theologians in the Church’s history, yet his life was marked by simplicity. He succeeded in making a harmonious synthesis between the philosophy of Aristotle and the theological thought of the Bible and […]

Wednesday January 26

Wednesday of 3rd Week in Ordinary Time   TITUS AND TIMOTHY Today, we celebrate two close associates of the apostle Paul. Paul put them in charge of Christian communities and wrote letters to them to tell them what is expected of leaders of Christian communities, especially how they should be servants and models of the […]

Monday January 24

Monday of 3rd Week in Ordinary Time Led By God’s Good Spirit   FRANCIS OF SALES Brilliant, spirited, humorous, and very kind, St. Francis was bishop of Geneva during the Reformation. Both through his eloquence and his personal contact with people, he convinced many not to become Protestants and won many back to Catholicism. He […]

Sunday January 23

Third Sunday of Ordinary Time   Proclaiming Liberty to Captives In church we often hear the words “salvation” or “redemption.” These technical words sound difficult and remote. Jesus, whose name means “God saves,” tells us today what this “saving” means: He came to bring us freedom, liberation, from all that alienates us from God and […]

Friday January 21

Friday of 2nd Week in Ordinary Time   AGNES, Virgin and Martyr  Few saints have been as popular in Rome as the twelve or thirteen-year old girl martyr St. Agnes. At a time of massive defections from the faith, in 305 she endured torture with idealism and patient faithfulness. Even the young can make hard […]

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