Category Archives: Daily Readings

October 10, Sunday

 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time What Do You Lack? Today the word of God challenges us: in what do you put your heart? Where is your security? What makes your life valuable and worthwhile? Here comes the advice of God’s word and wisdom as early as the Old Testament and here comes Jesus’ warning: Do […]

October 9, Saturday

TWENTY-SEVENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME WORDS BECOME DEEDS       The prophets, like Joel today, do not speak of the day of judgment as an unqualified day of vengeance and punishment; hope is there, for the prophecy is a warning to seek conversion. If God’s people change their ways, God will be merciful and restore them.       In […]


October 7, Thursday TWENTY-SEVENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME   To the prophet Malachi and the pious Jews, the apparently happy life of sinners was a scandal. To them, who practiced their faith, God seemed absent and not listening to their prayers. But God will hear them and do justice to each on the day of […]


October 5, Tuesday TWENTY-SEVENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME   In Jonah’s experience, God’s word is very powerful if we bring it to people in the name of God and if they are open to it.       A hospitable family or person makes guests feel at home and gives them the best available. But if we are […]


October 4, Monday TWENTY-SEVENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME         Jonah is not a prophetic but a humoristic, didactic book. In an ironic way it teaches a surprising universalism: God wants also pagans to be converted. Perhaps it also teaches prophets to accept their mission and not to refuse to seek the conversion even of the […]


October 2, Saturday TWENTY-SIXTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME     THE JOY OF LIBERATION       In the 2nd century before Christ, a prophet borrowing the name of Baruch makes Jerusalem speak a message of hope and joy to her scattered children in the Diaspora. God will liberate them from their infidelities. Today we hear the closing […]

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