Category Archives: Digital Edition

Do Catholics have to get the COVID-19 vaccine?

Do Catholics have to get the COVID-19 vaccine? Vaccines protect the common good, but if you choose not to get one your moral obligation doesn’t end there. Some people are expressing hesitancy about receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. There are a variety of reasons for this, including incomplete or incorrect information regarding the vaccines themselves and […]

Shared senses

What the pandemic taught me about sacramentality After a long year of isolation, it’s being together we miss the most. What I miss most about going to church is the choir. During this long year of pandemic, when I only entered our parish building twice, that’s the piece of liturgy I wished most to restore […]

Voice for the vulnerable

Guided by faith, a Vermont Rep. is a voice for the vulnerable Advocating for the marginalized is the core of Marybeth Redmond’s mission. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Marybeth Redmond, who serves in the Vermont House of Representatives, advocated for the Vermont legislature to grant relief money to two organizations that serve often […]

One heart and mind?

Billionaires and justice cannot coexist The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated a galling process of wealth maldistribution. Envy is one of the dread seven deadlies, and like decent folk everywhere I’m squarely against it. But I’m not sure envy is the right descriptive for the average schmoe’s steam-snorting, teeth-gnashing reaction to one of the more lopsided outcomes of […]

The Black exodus

Black Catholics are leaving the church. Why? Despite high levels of religious commitment, Black Catholics are abandoning the church. In February, the Pew Research Center published the most comprehensive survey to date of Black faith in America. This report is a major resource for understanding U.S. Black religious life in all of its manifestations: Catholic, […]

Seasons of life

Each stage of life brings opportunities for discernment Our lives ebb and flow, but God remains constant throughout. Years ago, when I was in graduate school, I had a wonderful spiritual director who would often ask me this simple question when I was in the midst of discernment: “What is it the season for?” It […]

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