Category Archives: Digital Edition

Changes of heart

Conversion is a lifelong process, says this professor We must always be open to learning from one another. We like to think that there are deep, internal, and existential reasons why people convert, but Stacy Davis, professor of religious studies and theology at Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana, says that is not always […]

Surrender to God

A priest finds unexpected serenity in the city Spiritual growth requires accepting the unexpected. For years I’ve had the word gelassenheit (literally: “serenity”) framed on my wall. In college, I studied existentialism and phenomenology and came across the writings of Martin Heidegger, who writes about gelassenheit, an image he takes from the writing of Meister Eckhart. Simply put, […]

A lifelong adventure

Discern vocation with toddlers, teens, and everyone in between Discovering your vocation is a lifelong adventure. When I was pregnant for the first time, my husband and I lived on the edge of the world in Big Sur, California. We spent hours hiking the beaches, cliffs, and canyons between the Pacific Ocean and the Santa […]

Make it work

The right kind of work values workers As we rethink work post-pandemic, consider Catholic social teaching. Modern Catholic social thought is typically dated back to Pope Leo XIII’s 1891 encyclical Rerum Novarum (On Capital and Labor). It’s not that Catholicism had never dealt with social ethics before, of course, but the pope’s discussion marked a new level […]

Does care for creation ignore the poor?

Does care for creation ignore the poor? Climate change disproportionately affects the most vulnerable communities. Climate change kills millions from drought, flooding, famine, and disease and exacerbates prenatal and perinatal mortality in poor countries. The United Nations predicts those who are already suffering could experience 100 more days of extreme weather annually. Despite this humanitarian […]

Life and debt

It’s time to reform global lending, say U.S. Bishops A global response to COVID-19 demands a merciful response to debt. Just a few years back, historically low interest rates provoked a debt binge among governments in the developing world, one partly bankrolled by new geopolitical players like China or cheerfully packaged into new lending instruments […]

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