Category Archives: Digital Edition

Treading water

To become wholly pro-life, care for fragile families A decades-long study on vulnerable families aligns closely with the themes of Catholic social teaching. Katie is a 25-year-old single mom of two young children: a preschooler and burgeoning toddler. Living in a small town in rural Pennsylvania, Katie works in child care at a local day […]

Remember the fathers

After child loss, don’t forget grieving dads How can the church see, support, and stay with fathers after the death of a child? After the death of his son Eric in a mountain climbing accident, Nicholas Wolterstorff summed up the dilemma of the grieving parent in his book, Lament for a Son (Eerdmans): “I have no explanation. […]

Painful love

Offer up the little pains of parenting A mother rethinks the small sufferings of parenthood. I’ve always cringed when I hear the expression “offer it up.” While the phrase actually refers to something called redemptive suffering—the idea that our suffering can unite with Christ’s on the cross and, in doing so, can take on redemptive power […]

A call to lead

A model of female leadership at Kolbe House Jail Ministry Meet MaryClare Birmingham, the first layperson to lead Chicago’s archdiocesan criminal justice reform ministry. After a winding career path that includes working both as an accountant and a physical therapist along with raising five children, criminal justice reform advocate MaryClare Birmingham affirms that she finally […]

Advent people

This Advent, make room for a future without fear Do not be afraid. Good news of great joy is on the horizon. December feels like the soft landing every year could use. While January is often propelled by a crazed monster of executive function—New Year’s resolutions, goals and budgets, new semesters and scheduling!—the end of […]

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