Category Archives: What’s Trending

Providing not only Quality Education but also Avenues for its Convenient Reception

For six years now, Procalde Yanapay of Sanctus Paulus Province cooperated with the Provinces of Chennai and St. Thomas, and the Independent Delegations of Kolkata and Northeast India, facilitated by PROCLADE Internazionale, has supported a hostel program for the education of poor children in India. The program is called Proclade Yanapay Hostel Maintenance Programme (PYHM), […]

Love, Light and Life to Leprosy Patients

Bangalore, India. Sumanahalli Society was conferred the best Non-Government Organization award for work among the leprosy-affected in the State of Karnataka by the Government, in Bangalore, India. Sumanahalli is managed by the Claretians of Bangalore Province since 1987, probably the only intervention of the Claretians with leprosy-affected persons anywhere. The award was handed over by Dr. […]


WE BRING A GREAT TREASURE IN EARTHEN VESSEL   Introduction Today’s readings present some characters who are called to carry out a mission of proclaiming the Word of God. They all have the same reaction: they feel unworthy, incapable, and inadequate. Isaiah declares himself to be a man of unclean lips. Peter asks Jesus to […]

Witnesses Rooted in Christ and Boldness in Mission

Witnesses Rooted in Christ and Boldness in Mission (Message for the Memorial of the Blessed Claretian Martyrs – 1 February) Today we celebrate the liturgical memorial of Blessed Philip of Jesús Munárriz Azcona, priest, and his companions, religious and martyrs. As we know, this obligatory memorial commemorates all together the 184 Claretian martyrs who have been beatified so […]


February 2  ALL WERE WAITING FOR HIM—ONLY ANNA AND SIMEON RECOGNIZED HIM   Introduction Forty days have passed since Christmas and—perhaps with a bit of nostalgia—we remember the emotions aroused in us by that feast and, even more, the good news that the baby brought us, a star coming from heaven to illuminate our nights, “rising […]

Let There Be Light!

Egume, Nigeria. Finally, the Claretian community administering the St. Joseph Catholic Church in Achuru, Egume, can benefit from the renewable energy brought by the newly installed solar energy panels. The project, mainly sponsored by the General Mission Procure and augmented by the help of other sponsors of West Nigeria Independent Delegation, started on the 15th of […]

Fourth Sunday in ordinary time – Year C

THE PROPHET: AN UNCOMFORTABLE PERSON Fourth Sunday in ordinary time – Year C Introduction There are unexpected and unintended tribulations, but there are others that are the result of choices made. The price to pay for those who agree to carry out the unrewarding and challenging mission of a prophet is persecution. Even the nicest […]

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