Category Archives: Sunday Commentary

Sunday Commentary is a blog written by a priest.

What Crown, What Diadem Does God Choose?

  TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR B   Introduction The first schism in the Church occurred before the eyes of Jesus: two disciples against ten and ten against two (Mk 10:35-41). The reason for the dispute: not a theological discussion or the rejection of some dogma, but the eagerness for power, the competition […]

Leave your possessions, and you will have the good

Twenty eight Sunday in the ordinary Time – YEAR B   Introduction Chosen as the judge of the musical contest between the flute of Pan and the lyre of Apollo, King Midas awarded the victory to the former. Only a clueless person, one with the musical sensibility of a donkey, could have made such a […]

Indissolubility: a requirement of love, not a precept

  Twenty seventh Sunday in the Ordinary Time – Year B     Introduction There are situations in which two spouses wonder, with good reason, if it is still worth insisting on trying to fix a relationship that began badly and is proving to be irreparably broken. They no longer love each other, there are […]

The Spirit is given to us, but not exclusively

TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR B    Introduction It is not always easy to distinguish friends from enemies; sometimes we are deceived: the most trusted person, the one chosen as a confidant, may one day betray us, while the one we kept under control because we judged him dangerous, in the end, may […]

Twenty five Sunday in the Ordinary Time – Year B

THE ONE WHO SERVES IS WORTH, NOT THE ONE WHO SEEKS TO STAND OUT   Introduction He who is in love is always “out of himself with joy.” He goes out of himself; he forgets himself by an irrepressible impulse to go to meet the other. Even the mystical experience of ecstasy—from the Greek wordexistánai—means […]

The Triumph of the Cross

(14 September) A symbol often misunderstood.   Introduction The cross is the symbol of which Christians show their faith. Yet, for three centuries, they intentionally did not use the cross as a symbol of their faith. They were recognized in other symbols—the anchor, the fish, the loaves, the dove, the shepherd—but they were reluctant to […]

Peter followed Jesus but had misunderstood the goal

TWENTY-FOUR SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR B   Introduction The question we now turn to whoever asks us to follow him is: ‘Where do you want to lead me?’ The disciples forgot to put it to Jesus when, along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, they heard his call, “Follow me!” (Mk 1:17). Fascinated by […]


TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR B   Introduction In Egypt, there has never been a code of laws. The very word “law” was unknown because the pharaoh, incarnation of the god Ra, established, by his word, what was just and right. He—the Egyptian texts recalled—”takes advice from his heart, dictates to the scribe […]


TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR B   Introduction  The results of histological examination, the response of an ultrasound, the results of amniocentesis, and a doctor’s diagnosis can disrupt a person’s life. They can disrupt the plans and dreams, facing dramatic choices between the wisdom of this world and that of Christ. Making a […]

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