Tag Archives: Daily Liturgy 2022

Monday February 28, 2022

Monday of 8th Week in Ordinary Time Not Willing to Pay the Price                                      Introduction The first letter of Peter was written in Rome and addressed to non-Jewish Christians of the Asian region. The assistance of a secretary may explain how his Greek is rather sophisticated for a fisherman from Galilee. He begins […]

Friday February 25, 2022

Friday of 7th Week in Ordinary Time Joined Together By God                                     Introduction James gives practical advice. We have to wait in patience for the coming of the Lord, and also be patient with one another. Then, we should be reliable people who stand by their given word. To Christ, marriage is planned by God […]

Thursday February 24, 2022

Thursday of 7th Week in Ordinary Time Protect the Weak                                           Introduction James resorts to the vehement invective of the prophets against the rich who exploit the poor, though there must have been few really rich in the early Christian communities. In a series of not too well connected words of the Lord to his […]

Monday February 21, 2022

Monday of 7th Week in Ordinary Time Healing and Raising Up                                              Introduction In his letter, James presents to the faithful rules of Christian moral living as an expression of the true wisdom of faith. Jesus heals a man who is possessed. He demands faith and trusting prayer, otherwise we are closed to God’s action. […]

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