Tag Archives: Daily Liturgy 2022

Saturday February 19, 2022

Saturday of 6th Week in Ordinary Time On the Mountain of Glory                                         Introduction Alarmed by the evil done to the Christian community by false teachers, James warns against the dangers of falsehood. This warning is valid today when words are so much manipulated to deceive and disguise. After he has announced his coming suffering […]

Friday February 18, 2022

Friday of 6th Week in Ordinary Time  Faith Demands Deeds                        Introduction Today, we have in the first reading one of the most important passages of James: faith demands commitment – or, as Jesus will say in the Gospel, consistent discipleship. “Faith without works is a dead faith,” a mere belief in theoretical tenets. Sometimes, […]

Thursday February 17, 2022

Thursday of 6th Week in Ordinary Time  Equals Before God                                         Introduction Our constant temptation is to look up to people in positions of power, wealth, influence, and to disregard the poor and the weak and to discriminate against them and also against half of humanity-women. It demands courage to associate with the poor and […]

Tuesday February 15, 2022

Tuesday of 6th Week in Ordinary Time Use Your Eyes and Ears!   Introduction James calls blessed those who resist the test of temptations. But temptations do not come from God but from the concupiscence within ourselves. From God comes all good gifts. The theme of yesterday is continued in today’s reading. We should not […]

Monday February 14, 2022

 Monday of 6th Week in Ordinary Time  STS. CYRIL, Monk & METHODIUS,  Bishop, Missionaries       Introduction The liturgy celebrates today two great missionaries from the Eastern Church, the monk Cyril and his brother, Methodius, bishop. Born in Thessalonica in Greece, they evangelized the Bulgarians, Moravians and Bohemians in the 9th Century. They created the Slavonic […]

Saturday February 12, 2022

    Saturday of 5th Week in Ordinary Time Bread for the Hungry   Introduction The first reading describes the efforts of king Jeroboam to strengthen the political separation of the northern tribes of Israel by adding to it a religious separation. Jesus, on the other hand, brings people together and gives them something to […]

Friday February 11, 2022

    Friday of 5th Week in Ordinary Time OUR LADY OF LOURDES,               World Day of the Sick Optional Memorial   Introduction On February 11, 1858, our Lady appeared at Lourdes to a simple girl, Bernadette Soubirous. Since then millions of pilgrims have flocked to this town and have experienced there a renewal […]

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