Tag Archives: Daily Liturgy 2022

Tuesday March 29, 2022

Tuesday of 4th Week in Lent The Waters of Paradise   Introduction Water flows from the Temple and turns the land into a fertile paradise, bringing health and life, says Ezekiel. But this living Temple is Christ, says John. Encountering him means forgiveness, health, and life. These readings on the symbolism of life-giving water and […]

Monday March 28, 2022

Monday of 4th Week in Lent  Faith in the Future                                                                      Introduction For people who believe, the golden age lies in the future, not in the past, says the third section of the book of Isaiah. Before the exile, the Jews and their prophets looked to the beginnings, to the past, as the golden […]

Thursday March 24, 2022

Thursday of 3rd Week in Lent        Listening to God’s Word                                            Introduction “Listen to my voice,” says God through his prophet Jeremiah, and then, he complains that God’s people fails to listen, that they listen to themselves and follow their own ways. Their deeds do not speak the language […]

Wednesday March 23, 2022

Wednesday of 3rd Week in Lent Commandments: Sign of Freedom and Love                         Introduction What is the meaning of the commandments to us? To some, they are the summary and summit of all morality; to others, narrow and outmoded rules; still to others, obstacles to the freedom of the gospel. To Israel, they were […]

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