Feast for the eyes

6 works of art that bring new meaning to the Eucharist

A serving of contemporary eucharistic art gives witness to Christ’s kingdom.

What does Eucharist call us to be? How does Eucharist shape our lives? Scripture scholar and Blessed Sacrament Father Eugene LaVerdiere wrote an influential book with the evocative title Dining in the Kingdom of God (Liturgy Training Publications) in which he explores Jesus’ meal ministry and proclamation of the kingdom of God in the Gospel of Luke. The eucharistic message is clear: The Eucharist is not simply a thing to be worshipped or consumed but an action powerfully linked to God’s transformative presence in our world. Eucharist calls us to work toward building the kingdom of God, especially in areas where we encounter suffering and injustice. But how often do we see eucharistic art that witnesses to a true encounter with the prophetic Christ and the kingdom he proclaimed?

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