Guided by love

Personal setbacks transformed St. Ignatius’ life for good

At a fork in the road, St. Ignatius stumbled into God’s grace.

I first encountered St. Ignatius of Loyola when I was a boy. My grandmother had volunteered with Father Pedro Arrupe (one of the great Ignatian social activists), and although she was a Baptist, Arrupe’s spirituality deeply impressed her. As she talked with me about the Ignatian practice of seeing God in everything, I became curious about this 16th-century saint. I wanted to get to know him better.

To my surprise, I learned that St. Ignatius had not started out as a particularly holy person. He was not one of those saints who saw visions or performed miracles from the time he was a young child. Instead, St. Ignatius grew up daydreaming about adventure and romance. While he was still a teenager, he became a soldier. He was too busy drinking, brawling, gambling, and flirting to have much time for God.

Then one day in 1521 something happened that changed him forever. In the midst of battle, a cannonball wounded both of his legs. Afterward, he underwent a long and painful convalescence.

This incident, known as St. Ignatius’ “cannonball experience,” has become a metaphor for life’s unexpected catastrophes—those events that force us to come to a standstill, reconsider our lives, and then change direction. Over the past couple of years, our world has had a number of these experiences. From the COVID-19 pandemic to the murder of George Floyd, from natural disasters to the bad news about the inevitability of climate change, we, like St. Ignatius, have been knocked off our feet and had our old lives shattered.

I too have had my share of personal “cannonballs.” Lately, it seems as though I face a constant barrage of them. The more I speak out against racism, the more I become the target of those who feel threatened by my message. Like St. Ignatius’ cannonball, these racist assaults are fueled by our world’s hatred, violence, and division. Sometimes, they strike as blatant microaggressions from colleagues; other times, they come as threats on my life. Either way, like all weapons of destruction, they have the power to wound, even kill.

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