Friday AFTER ASH WEDNESDAY Why Fast? Introduction People in the Old Testament ask: What is the use of fasting? God seems not to be near when they fast. The prophet tells them because real fasting consists in justice and love. Since God has made a covenant with his people, that covenant comprises also justice […]
To be a perfect parent, be imperfect While we all want to be moral exemplars for our kids, perhaps the most important virtue to model is humility. “Mommy, why aren’t you happy just the way God made you?!” When my 8-year-old daughter posed this query with tears streaming down her face, it was a punch […]
What do Catholics mean when they say they are fasting? Fasting rituals are not legalistic obligations but rather collective rituals of self-denial aimed at imitating Christ. Along with almsgiving and prayer, fasting is a central Lenten practice. More recently, fasting has emerged as a popular secular dieting practice too. Thanks to the multitrillion-dollar wellness industry, […]
How to ground your Bible study in your identity Wrestling with scripture is an important process for everyone, says this biblical scholar. The refrain “I can’t breathe” is a rallying cry for change that has reignited movements for racial justice in the United States. But for the Rev. Angela N. Parker, the refrain also references […]
No family is perfect, but grace enters every situation Family is about more than sacramental legitimacy. Family life isn’t perfect. Still, most of us would prefer life with our families than without them. By family, I mean the original context of persons to whom you especially belong. I also mean the people you live with […]
Jesus loves you. Can you believe it? Lent invites us to recognize that we are enough for God, writes Father Bryan Massingale. “Repent, and believe in the gospel.” These two summonses, or better, invitations, are spoken over us as Christians are marked with ashes at the beginning of Lent. We are called to “repent” and […]
‘Ted Lasso’ shows a better way to be a man Apple TV+’s ‘Ted Lasso’ is a skillfully crafted story about masculinity that is compassionate and supportive. Ted Lasso is teaching boys how to be men and men how to be good people. Right there on television, where the opposite usually happens. The American series—named for its […]
Expand your definition of prayer If your prayer life is in a rut, try finding new ways to experience play as prayer. If heaven has a soundtrack, it surely includes the greatest hits of the 1990s. You will not be able to convince this biased Millennial otherwise. A few friends recently came over to celebrate […]
Alaska’s KNOM station embraces Christ and culture The country’s oldest Catholic radio station remains a reliable, unbiased source for news. When Tony Calumet landed in Nome, Alaska in September 2020, he whispered a prayer: “If this is what you want, God, you’re going to have to help me.” At nearly 69 years old—an age at […]