Category Archives: Digital Edition

Listen to the Spirit

For the synod to succeed, the church must listen to all of us The 2021–2023 Synod of Bishops is an opportunity for the U.S. church to truly embrace its multicultural identity. As the synodal consultation process gets underway, I’ve heard from several diocesan lay leaders throughout the country about how concerned they are that this […]

Dead end

Electric vehicles still fuel a throwaway culture The great transition to electric vehicles is powered by an eagerness to accept familiar patterns of exploitation and exhaustion. Auto enthusiasts have designated 2022 the year of the electric car as a rapid conversion from gasoline-combustion engines to battery-powered sedans, SUVs, and now even utility and long-haul trucks […]

Common home

At Mount St. Helens, a spiritual insight on ecological healing The paschal mystery of Mount St. Helens—its life, death, and resurrection—is a symbol of hope. I stood more than 4,000 feet above sea level—close to one mile. As I approached the Johnston Ridge Observatory in the Cascade Mountains, the world opened up and I beheld […]

A friend and mentor

Beloved mentor Robert Schreiter inspired a teacher’s ministry Robert Schreiter did not seek disciples, but somehow students found him anyway. It was a monthly routine. One afternoon each month, we would meet for lunch at the same local restaurant. We would take turns saying the blessing and paying the bill. Occasionally, I would bring one […]


Young Catholics must be willing to make history 35 years after the Epiphany Plowshares, a priest finds inspiration in today’s activists. “In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, […]

Moral compass

How Molly Burhans is helping the church fight climate change A young cartographer is helping the church catalog its land holdings so it might address the environment, human migration, and sustainable land stewardship. At first, Molly Burhans thought she’d be a ballet dancer. It had been her dream through middle school, her focus in high […]

What do Catholics mean when they say…

What do Catholics mean when they say they are fasting? Fasting rituals are not legalistic obligations but rather collective rituals of self-denial aimed at imitating Christ. Along with almsgiving and prayer, fasting is a central Lenten practice. More recently, fasting has emerged as a popular secular dieting practice too. Thanks to the multitrillion-dollar wellness industry, […]

Family ties

No family is perfect, but grace enters every situation Family is about more than sacramental legitimacy. Family life isn’t perfect. Still, most of us would prefer life with our families than without them. By family, I mean the original context of persons to whom you especially belong. I also mean the people you live with […]

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